* These two (2) exhibitions require an on-site CMPE representative to install and dismantle works of art that are shipped and exhibited in plexiglass vitrines.
CMPE touring exhibitions invite business, private and corporate sponsorship to assist and underwrite all or part of the cost of presenting an exhibition in a specific community or as a World Tour Sponsor. The underwriting sponsorship of one or several participating patrons can serve as a direct contribution to the presenting or hosting museum or university. Sponsorship support may be applied to reduce the cost of the museum’s participation fee, sponsor distributed invitations (printing and mailing), electronic media and newspaper publicity, the hosting of opening and special receptions, and the cost of shipping and transportation of the exhibition to the next venue.
World Tour Sponsorship identifies the name of the sponsor on all printed materials and inclusion in all press materials in addition to prominent recognition on the kiosk wall at the entry to the exhibition. World Tour Sponsors will also be publicly recognized and introduced at museum opening patron receptions.
If your business is interested in previewing a cost and budget plan with a list of prospective expense categories, contact:
Museum Underwriting Support
Contemporary and Modern Print Exhibitions